Hello RMS Families,
We are excited about the first day of school tomorrow for grades 1-5! I wanted to let you know about some new traffic patterns we are going to try out this year. The current plan is to have buses load and unload in the upper/new parking lot, so please be aware that as you enter you may need to stop at the crosswalk. We will have staff in safety vests to help direct traffic. Please follow their directions.
There will be two lanes for cars to travel in the parking lot. Parents that want to help get their child out of the car can park in the center (as we have done in past years) otherwise, parents dropping off and driving through will loop around to the bus port, similar to our dismissal procedure last year. We will open the doors for students to enter at 8:20am. Please do not drop off your children prior to that time as they would be unsupervised.
Dismissal will be the same as last year. We will hand out yellow cards tomorrow for you to write your names on to place on your dashboard during dismissal. We will begin dismissing @2:50pm.
I anticipate we'll be working out some tweaks with these procedures, so we appreciate your patience and understanding as we figure out our new parking lots!
Thank you,
Kelly Marcotte
RMS Principal